Friday, December 14, 2007

Whale Watch

In 1925-1975 whale hunting almost destroyed the worlds whale populations. By the time whaling was officially banned in 1986 some species were already extinct and others are still trying to recover. Countries like Japan and Norway are still hunting whales and are trying to get permission from the International Whaling Commission to start whaling again. Whales face other threats as well such as boat noise that prevents them from communicating and pollution maybe poisoning the fish they eat. Even though whales are admired scientist still don't know that much about them. But they are trying to find out their way of life and protect them for many years to come.

As toxins move up the food chain they get more and more concentrated in muscle and fat tissue which increases health hazards. So an organization has sent a ship named the Odyssey on a five year worldwide cruise to collect data. Researches aboard the ship are gathering skin samples from sperm whales, then analyzing the samples for pollutants. Their goal is to create a map of pollution in the oceans around the world.

Though there is a lot left to be discovered, new technology and new research is beginning to fill in the gaps in the secret lives of whales.

By Brooke and Rylee