Friday, December 14, 2007

Summary of Gigantical Smelly Rafflesia Flower

What do you think of when you think of flowers? Does rotten flesh come to mind? Didn't think so! Now it will.

Have you ever heard of the Rafflesia flower? It's the worlds largest flower. It can weigh up to 15lbs and become as wide as 3 feet. The buds are the size of basketballs. Ginormous!!!!!

Do you think of a radiently beautiful smell when we say flower? Well, think again! The Rafflesia is said to smell like ROTTEN FLESH!!! EEWWIIEE! It's hard to believe that it may be related to the beautiful poinsettia flower! That's what this article is actually about. Scientists are trying to find a family for the Rafflesia, and scientists have found that the vile plant is in the same family as the pointsettia, and also the castor beans.

Rafflesias have evolved into parasites. The do not have roots or leaves and they live off of another plant that is part of the grapevine fam. Dude, that's CRAZY WEIRD!!!! LOL!!!!!