Friday, December 14, 2007

summery of a Dino King's Ancestor

This article claims that the Tyrannnosaurus was not the first large meat-eating dinosaur of its kind. Remains of the Guanlong Wucaii, in Northwest china was discovered. It is one of the oldest known dinosaur in the Tyrannosaur family. This species lived 160 million years ago, and it names means "Crowned Dragon. This Dinosaur was only 3 meters long(9.8 feet) long, had a 6-centimeter-tall crest that ran on the top of this dinosaurs snout, this crest was not connected to the dinosaurs nose or not useful for fighting but a sign adulthood and a way of showing the animals if they where male or female. Scientists believe know that the Tyrannosaurus was evolved from the small, meat eating dinosaurs called coelurosaurs. This article was interesting to us because it tells that the Tyrannosaurus was not the first of its kind.
Steven and CJ