recentley archoloygists have discovered that polynesians where sailing the seas to south America they know this because they found chicken bones in south america that dna was related to polyneaina chickens
Friday, December 14, 2007
summary of "A Whole lot of Nothing"
Larry Rudnick looked up @ outer space and he didnt see anything!!!! lol "I came home sat at the dinner table and told my hot wife we found something interesting today!!!! He discovered a void! just empty space spanning a billion light-years away. HAVE A NICE DAY!!!
flying the hyper skys
In this article it tells you about the new aircraft that is able to fly around the world at 5000 miles per hour in 5 hours while following the equator. it is powered by its scramjet engines, this unmanned X-43A flew at a record speed for an air-breathing jet plane. the experimental plane is only 12 feet long. the first hypersonic flight lasted 11 seconds while its booster rockets carried it to an altitude of about 100000 feet for its test flight.
matt and dano
matt and dano
Summery of the Eyes of the depths.
To scientists the deep sea is like Wonderland to Alice. The only way to understand the deep sea, many scientists think is to look through the eyes of a creature that lives there.Creatures that live in the deep sea have a bluish glow.(bioluminescenc.) Scientists recently made a expedition to the Bahamas to see how the animals see that far down.The oceans are thousands of feet deep in some spots.They have to make the submarine silent or else it might scare away the animals there.Bioluminescent creatures make there own light by using chemicals.Its hard to know what it really is because scientists can't spend much time down there.Scientists know that most of the creatures can only see blue light.Scientists have learned a lot about what the animals see and dont see.They want to know what bioluminescense is used for,how often they use it,and what still needs to be discovered.
Sugar Power For Cell Phones
Drinking sugar gives you energy right so shouldn't It be able to power the things in our pocket. That's right folks it should be able to power: cell phones, ipods, iphone, cameras all the digital equipment in the world. Yeah someday it will power that scientist are3 trying to find a way but wouldn't that be sweet . That will fuel the world for thousands of years and maybe even help global warming. All those enzymes going into your body will be going straight into your mom no offense but they will and your phones. We are amazing for more info call 406-sugar-power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Caleeb and Craig
By Caleeb and Craig
Summary of: Return of the Lost Limbs
Reasearchers have been doing stuff about the regeneration of the limbs of humans instead of artificial limbs
because of accidents.
Barry, Patrick. 2007. Extreme healing: Protein aids limb regrowth in newts. Science News 172(Nov. 3):276. Available at .
Sohn, Emily. 2005. From stem cell to any cell. Science News for Kids (Oct. 19). Available at .
because of accidents.
Barry, Patrick. 2007. Extreme healing: Protein aids limb regrowth in newts. Science News 172(Nov. 3):276. Available at .
Sohn, Emily. 2005. From stem cell to any cell. Science News for Kids (Oct. 19). Available at .
Summary of the Electric Brain

A man with severe brain damage regained ability to talk, eat, and move after the doctors implanted an electrical device inside his brain. He suffered a brain injury 6 years ago. He barely even responded to the world around him. The operation took 10 hours. Dr. Rezai put two electrodes in the center of the brain. They looked like a walnut. "We're essentially jump-starting the brain", Rezia said. Immediately after surgery the man opened his eyes and began responding to voices. The man remains severely disabled. His muscles are weak from disuse. He is now better than he was.
BY:TYler ANd TAyte
summery of:Ganging on other pray
It makes sense for wolves to hunt in packs. Hunting takes up a lot of energy. Most wolves hunt in packs of four or more. Just two wolves alone cant eat a whole moose by themselves. A pair of wolves loses an average of 37 percent of their carcass to ravens. A pack of six wolves loses about 17 percent. A pack of six wolves gobbles meat quickly. Red riding hood was lucky not to get eaten by the wolf. JUSTIN, RICHIE, AND TYLER
the summary of Nice Chimps
After reading the passage about the "Nice Chimps", we have concluded that chimpanzees are naturally generous. To start, researchers in Germany created three rounds of experiments to test the level of generosity of chimps and children. ( How could they tell them apart?!) First, the scientists tried to reach a stick, close to the chimp, and waited for a response from the animals. The response was surprising to see that they helped the scientist with his task. After a duplicate of the experiment, with the children, their results came back the same. Next, they raised the bar by building some sort of an obstacle course for the chimps to complete to reach a pencil for the scientist. As time went by, they received the same info as last time and proceeded in the children. In participation of another chimp, the animals went through a third set of experiments in testing their willingness to be helpful. Surprisingly, whatever happened with the teamwork, none of the chimps rewarded other chimps with bananas. (Imagine that!) As a result to the many tests, chimpanzees and children under the age of 18 months go out of their way to help others.
summary of Primate Memory Showdown
Scientists at Kyoto University in Japan performed an expirement to see whether or not a chipanzee or a human can memorize numbers on a computer screen. In the first trial, the numbers flashed on the sreen for 650 milliseconds and were quickly replaced by small white squares. Then the participant had to press on the numbers in which they thought the order was correct. This sequence repeated several times. After the first trial, both human and chimpanzee scored about 80%. Then a second trial was conducted, only the numbers flashed on the screen for 210 milliseconds. Human participants only scored a 40%, while the chimpanzee scored an 80% once again. More trials were performed on younger participants, all scoring better than their elders.
by John and Josh
by John and Josh
summary of "The Buzz about CAFFEINE!"
This artical tells you that caffeine is hard to aviod. Scientist did an experiment and the kids that drank more caffeine woke up more and got less sleep than tose who didn't. The kids that didn't have that much caffeine they got lots of sleep and didn't have a crash after the drinks. caffeine is a bad thing because it raises your blood pressure. Most people that work in the morning go and get some caffeine to keep them up and so they don't fall asleep on the job. people say that kids do better on test after they have caffeine. And that shows that they are probably are already addicted to the chemical. Studies show that people without caffiene run for about 32 minutes and with it they run about 7 to 10 minutes longer than before. Caffeine is shown to harm people that are over weight because it interfears with the bodies abilities to process sugars and that leads to type two diabetes. Kids that are smaller than adults tend to feel the affect of the chemical more than adults do because it get through they're bodies faster.
!* Katie!* and !* Mershan!*
!* Katie!* and !* Mershan!*
Summary of: Fear Matters!
In this artical it tells you why you look under you bed, why your habbits cange when your scared\freeaked\upset\nerve-racked. Haven't you ever wonderd why you look under your bed after you watch a scary movie? Fear changes your habbits, sences, and the way you think. It keeps you alive. in this artical you will learn why it happens, and what the effects can be. Costarican Red Eye Tree Frogs for example can hatch up to 2 days early if the eggs sence that a preditor (snake) is going to attack, and if hey go into the water a full 2 days ealy, they are more likley to be eaten by whaever is in that water. Read the article, i tells you aot about why you do somethings when your scared and gives you a few examples. ^-^
& Franchesca<33
& Franchesca<33
Summary of "Ferocious Growth Spurts"
During adolesence Tyranosuares Rex and it's relatives sometimes doubled their weight in just 4 years, according to the new study. Adult T Rex Could weigh more than 5,000 kilograms. The species of T rex lived in North America between 65 and 68 million years. On average, a T rex grows 2 kilograms every day till it's eighteen. Scientists suggest that a T rex would be to big to run for his food, it would have to scavenge. The youngsters, although, could scurry around to catch prey.
By: Calvin and Karl
By: Calvin and Karl
Summary of "Comet Flare"
In less that 24 hours late last month, the ball of ice, rock, and dust, named Comet17P/Holmes suddenly grew 400,000 times brighter than normal. Three weeks after the flare up, people could still see the object without telescopes. Scientists were puzzled over the event. As the comets get closer to the sun, the star's heat vaporizes ice on their surfaces. The process releases fine dust, which reflects light. As a result, the heated comets look extrabright. To explain the rapid brightening, scientists speculate that a layer of material lifted off the comet and disintegrated. The resulting halo of dust around the objest would have reflected lots of light. It's possible that the entire comet may be made up of similarly fragile layers stacked one atop of another and glued together by ice. Some scientists think that earlier event and the modern one are related. It's possible that dust from the first event fell back onto Holmes. That could have dimmed the comet for more than a century. Last month, internal pressure may have finally become strong enough to enject the debris.
by Sierra and Sierra
by Sierra and Sierra
Summary on "chew for health"
Americans chew about 1.8 pounds of gum each year. Scientists are starting to do reasearch on the benifits of chew gum. Some schools ban chewing gum but after the reascher on it they might change their mind. Scientists have found that chewing gum while taking a test can improve your test score by 25%. An ingredinent in some gums called xylitol helps decreases the risk of cavitys,heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases. Company's are starting to put medicine into gumballs to help kid take their medicine in a fun way. Also they are putting vitamins and minerials in them. To help the soliders stay alret durring long night they have developed a gum called "stay alert" which contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee this gum is only avalible to the soliders right now but might be realesed to the public later. Dietitians say chew gum but dont chew to much.
Breyn Kayci and Lynn
Breyn Kayci and Lynn
HYPER x at HYPER speeds review
the hyper x is recently broke the air-breathing jet planes flying at hypersonic speed. It has a top speed of seven times the speed of sound. that is about 5,000 miles per hour. You could fly along the equator in 5 HOURS!!! it is powered by 2 scramjet engines this plane is ONLY 21 FEET LONG. The hyper x does not even kneed a pilot. Thats right it is a unmanned experimental plane.
It uses a special jet engine. It is called a scramjet. it can go as fast as a rocket but doesn't cary its own oxygen, it gets it from the air. For an engine to burn fuel and produce energy, it needs oxygen. A jet engine, like those on passenger airplanes, gets oxygen from the air. A rocket engine typically goes fast but has to carry its own supply of oxygen. A scramjet's special design allows it to extract oxygen from the air that flows through the engine. and it does so without letting the fast-moving air put out the combustions flames. However, a scramjet engine works properly only at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound.
michael and derek
It uses a special jet engine. It is called a scramjet. it can go as fast as a rocket but doesn't cary its own oxygen, it gets it from the air. For an engine to burn fuel and produce energy, it needs oxygen. A jet engine, like those on passenger airplanes, gets oxygen from the air. A rocket engine typically goes fast but has to carry its own supply of oxygen. A scramjet's special design allows it to extract oxygen from the air that flows through the engine. and it does so without letting the fast-moving air put out the combustions flames. However, a scramjet engine works properly only at speeds greater than five times the speed of sound.
michael and derek
Summary on "Shrimpy Invaders"
Small shrimp have been discovered in the Great Lakes. They are called mysid shrimp. They are eating microscopic organisms that young fish eat. So they are not thiving like they used to. The shrimp are a european species that were brougt in by ships dumping their ballast water. New guidelines say that they must flush their tanks with salt water to kill any freshwater species that may be hitching a ride. There is an estimated 17 european species in the Great Lakes. No one knows how these little creatues will ultimately effect the ecosystem.
By: Tony, Cole, Lorean
By: Tony, Cole, Lorean
Summary of "Revving up green machines"
lots of people drive their cars but traveling anywhere at anytime in a car or truck comes at a price. it not just the cost of gas and insurance and repairs. cars are a major source of pollution. when the engine burns gas which releases carbon dioxide into the air along with other particles an pollutants. to help counter gas pries and reduce air pollution the environmentally friendly green cars already on the streets use a mixture of gas and electricity. when the car stops the gas engine stops then the electrics engine motor powers on. the car runs on hydrogen powered fuel cells and the only waste product is water.
Jordan and Easton
Jordan and Easton
A change in climate
When a pika is used to it's climate, ecologists took some and put them in cages and put them in colder places and they died because even in shadows they can die because of there habit. The trees also with global warming are growing smaller.
A Nonstop Robot
Science has came up with a one of a kind four legged robot that can teach itself, to walk and learn how to walk a different way of walking.This robot can is like a bear computer with four legs it can calculate how to move the easiest without using the damaged leg or legs.This new robot can have a possible combos of 100000 different ways.
By Nick Justin and Wayne
By Nick Justin and Wayne
Einstien Skateboarding? Nah. Just Honoring.
A group of Middle School students working on a physics project desided to use skateboarding as their subject for the project. One of the variables they used with their observing is the spot of the 'half-pipe', a skateboarding ramp in a sort of U shape, where the gravitational force on the skateboarders is at the least point. The project of the 'Skateboarding physics' is one of eight on Discovery Chanel's Young Scientist Challenge. The event was held around Washington D.C. The event was honoring Albert Einstein and his physics theories nearly 100 years ago. Einseins methods were mostly thoughts, not mixing things in a lab. He used his mind for his work. Most would say he's a genius. There was also things like Radar Gun Luge and an Obstacle course! Go Einstein!
By Trevan, Parker, and Brendon
By Trevan, Parker, and Brendon
The Perfect French Fry
I'd say McDonalds french fries are the best..but covered in salt and other fatty ingrediants.. like catsup. the Wendy's french fries are too soggy and what not, and Burger King's are okay. we love the curly fries from arbys a lot tho... specially with arbys sauce. YAAAAAY ARBYS SAUCE! i say french fries shouldn't be fortified...but maybe we should add lipitor to them so it lowers ur cholosterol at the same time.
Danny & Patrick
Danny & Patrick
Primate memory showdown
We chose this article because it is awesome that chimpanzee's memories can be as complex or even more complex than ours. In a task that challenged memories of college student in Japan and a chimpanzee named Ayumu numbers flashed across a computer screen for just a fraction of a second, then they would disappear and the test subject would have to put the white squares that were in place of the numbers in numerical order. In the first test the test subject had 650 milliseconds (about 2/3 of a second) to memorize the numbers on the screen. The student usually got about 80% correct but so did the genius monkey Ayumu. In the second test they had even less time. All subjects had only 210 milliseconds to memorize the numbers. In response the students only got an average of about 40% while the monkey still got an average of 80%. Are monkeys smarter than humans or was it because of the monkeys age that he got such a score. Studies show that younger children sometimes have photographic memory but lose it over time.
From this article we figured monkey's brains are close to ours in knowledge.
by: Tyler and Sonny
From this article we figured monkey's brains are close to ours in knowledge.
by: Tyler and Sonny
CHEWING GUM!!!! Sugary Treat or Brain Power?
What do you think? People have been chewing gum for thousands of years. Some scientists are beginning to believe that chewing gum may be good for your health and raise test scores. Companies are also expirementing adding substances to the gum that could cure sicknesses and deminish headaches. Gumballs may be a better to deliver medicine rather than pills. Each American chews about 1.8 pounds of gum per year! Chewing gum after meals may even halp prevent cavities. It also decreases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases. Chewing gum also increases blood flow (blood carries oxygen) which helps fuel blood cells. Many people do better on memory tests while chewing gum. Some manufacturers are creating gum that has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee but takes effect in just a few minutes. Chew with caution to much chewing can damage the jaw joint! This is chewing gum from the magnificent trio!
By Hailey,Alex,Mattie
By Hailey,Alex,Mattie
Summary of Gigantical Smelly Rafflesia Flower
What do you think of when you think of flowers? Does rotten flesh come to mind? Didn't think so! Now it will.
Have you ever heard of the Rafflesia flower? It's the worlds largest flower. It can weigh up to 15lbs and become as wide as 3 feet. The buds are the size of basketballs. Ginormous!!!!!
Do you think of a radiently beautiful smell when we say flower? Well, think again! The Rafflesia is said to smell like ROTTEN FLESH!!! EEWWIIEE! It's hard to believe that it may be related to the beautiful poinsettia flower! That's what this article is actually about. Scientists are trying to find a family for the Rafflesia, and scientists have found that the vile plant is in the same family as the pointsettia, and also the castor beans.
Rafflesias have evolved into parasites. The do not have roots or leaves and they live off of another plant that is part of the grapevine fam. Dude, that's CRAZY WEIRD!!!! LOL!!!!!
Have you ever heard of the Rafflesia flower? It's the worlds largest flower. It can weigh up to 15lbs and become as wide as 3 feet. The buds are the size of basketballs. Ginormous!!!!!
Do you think of a radiently beautiful smell when we say flower? Well, think again! The Rafflesia is said to smell like ROTTEN FLESH!!! EEWWIIEE! It's hard to believe that it may be related to the beautiful poinsettia flower! That's what this article is actually about. Scientists are trying to find a family for the Rafflesia, and scientists have found that the vile plant is in the same family as the pointsettia, and also the castor beans.
Rafflesias have evolved into parasites. The do not have roots or leaves and they live off of another plant that is part of the grapevine fam. Dude, that's CRAZY WEIRD!!!! LOL!!!!!
summary of long nose, hopeful future
The sawfish got its name from its body shape, but u can get its nose from eBay. Even though they are becoming endangered, the numbers are still going down. Sawfish are caught in fishing nets and reproduce slowly. They can grow up to 6 meters with sharp dagerlike teeth. A sawfish starts reproducing at the age of 10. They give birth in shallow water in springtime. There's only about 3,000 to 6,000 left in the U.S. Until 1998 this fish has not been studied, scientist didn't know the basic information about it. Where it lives, what its habbitat is like and how often they reproduce, or what age sawfish are when they reproduce. There are nearly 90 percent less then there use to be. It looks like a guitar. LOL!
Shelby and Lindsey
Shelby and Lindsey
invisiblity ring
The invisibility ring is a carefully cafted ring that scientist that have developed that prevents microwaves from reflecting off of it. When microwaves approach the ring they penetrate the first layer. The waves then proceed to move around the inside of the ring, while passing through its layers. The microwaves then exit the ring on theexact same path that they entered the ring in. It never passes through the center ring, so the ring and object inside the ring are pratically invisible exept the ligt yellow shadow casted by it. The ring does not work with the waves that human eyes pick up, but it is the first step in a future of invisibility.
By: Nathan and Matt
By: Nathan and Matt
Polar Bears in Trouble
Because polar bears go North for the winter to hunt for seals, instead of hibernating like most bears, they are forced to have their young on ice. But since global warming has been getting increasingly worse, there is less ice. Usually, polar bears have their young on ice pieces that float out to sea. A study done by U.S.G.S's scientists showed that from 1985 to 1994, 62% of the dens were floating out to sea. But from 1998 to 2004, only 37% were floating out to sea. That's almost reduced by half! Over the past 30 years, the amount of ice in the Arctic had decreased by 27%. Scientists at U.S.G.S. say that they are scared for the poplation of polar bears because they are worried that more and more mother polar bears will have their young are shaky ice and so if they fall through the ice then they would freeze do death causing the population to decrease.
By: Amber and Gennivie
By: Amber and Gennivie
Summeray Of Instant Messaging!
Frankie:Yey g2g
Jack: kk
Frankie: ttyl
Frankie: g2g sound check.
Jack:Okie dokie!
Frankie: :)
Do you like texting and IMing? From now since 400 years ago the way we talk has changed A LOT! Researchers have a new name for texing, messaging and e-mail. they call it computer-mediated communication, or CMC. Language shortcuts such as ttyl ( which means talk to you later) obviouly have no place in school assignments. But there are competitions that have exceptions with poetry. Students usually pay more attention to what they say in IMing then in papers for grading. Men tend to write in short sentences, and women usually write in complete sentences. New technologies open up many communication possiblities in the future.
By Emily, Patricia, and Leah :)
Jack: kk
Frankie: ttyl
Frankie: g2g sound check.
Jack:Okie dokie!
Frankie: :)
Do you like texting and IMing? From now since 400 years ago the way we talk has changed A LOT! Researchers have a new name for texing, messaging and e-mail. they call it computer-mediated communication, or CMC. Language shortcuts such as ttyl ( which means talk to you later) obviouly have no place in school assignments. But there are competitions that have exceptions with poetry. Students usually pay more attention to what they say in IMing then in papers for grading. Men tend to write in short sentences, and women usually write in complete sentences. New technologies open up many communication possiblities in the future.
By Emily, Patricia, and Leah :)
The shape of the internet.
Internet is good for connecting people. Good examples are people that a person posting something could live in a specific city and the editors could live across the country, and people could read it from across the world. People think the idea is simple but it isn't. Until now, scientists have had a hard time mapping the structure of the internet. The internet started almost by accident in the 1960's and the 1970's. The internet grew as other internet sites added their internet systems to the structure. Researchers have tried to understand the shape of the internet before but failed. They used to send packages of information to specific destinations. Recently scientist's were able to send probes from only a small number of sites. With limited numbers of starting points the probes stayed close to home. This has been sucha big problem that "there was a growing opinion before [the new] study that you really couldn't measure the internet" says Scott Kirkpatrick of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Kirkpatrick and his colleagues found a way. They enlisted volunteers to help them send probes from more than 12,000 computers around the world. The widespread method revealed three layers within the internet. At the core of the virtual jellyfish there are about 100 of the most tightly connected subnetworks. These include some subnetworks you've probably heard of, such as google. Because 80 percent of subnetworks can reach each other without going through the core, the new map suggests that the internet is less vulnerable than scientists previously thought. Attacks or outages to any one part of the internet probably wouldn't take the system down.
By Billy and David!
By Billy and David!
Summary of " Penguins transportation inspiration!"
Penguins can swin in water faster than 10 miles per hour. Also they can switch positions and leap onto shore with one smooth movement. Penguins are inspiring engineers to find better ways for propelling boats. Propellers let ships and boats travel relatively straight line over great distances. Today they are trying to design vessels that can do a lot more than just that. They wish to invent boats that are able to withstand horrible conditions that could shatter any other boat. They are working on boats that can maneuver quickley through tight spaces. They are looking for boats that can predict currents or waves and respond in a split second to hold their position. Penguins flippers are a great start.
Alyssa and Shealynn
Alyssa and Shealynn
Superbig supernova bomb blog
A long long time ago in a galaxy 240,000,000 light years away the largest star on record exploded when it lost all of it fuel.
It was called SN 2006gy it was 150 times the size of our sun.In just 2 months it emitted more radiation then our sun will ever emit. The explosion produced more light then the galaxy it came from. Because of the stars unusually large size the accepted theory of star death doesn't work. In this case it seems that the stars core was unusually hot. They suppose that the heat caused the gamma rays within the core to destroy each other. Gamma rays are the only things that hold the star together so there destruction caused the explosion.
Kyle and Eli
It was called SN 2006gy it was 150 times the size of our sun.In just 2 months it emitted more radiation then our sun will ever emit. The explosion produced more light then the galaxy it came from. Because of the stars unusually large size the accepted theory of star death doesn't work. In this case it seems that the stars core was unusually hot. They suppose that the heat caused the gamma rays within the core to destroy each other. Gamma rays are the only things that hold the star together so there destruction caused the explosion.
Kyle and Eli
MoNsTeR bLaCk HoLeS
black holes have attracted kids for a long time. they are very dense and suck stuff in it. Black holes are a collapesd super star. Scientists have found a steller black hole with 15.65 times the our sun. Yet another team has found another larger black hole
The scientists' calculations showed that the compact star is 15.65 times as massive as our sun. With that much mass, it must be a black hole. In fact, it is the heaviest stellar black hole that has ever been accurately measured. The scientists estimate that the star that produced it was originally 100 times as massive as the sun.On the basis of their observations, the scientists calculated that the compact body is a black hole that is 25 to 34 times as massive as the sun.
BY TuCk-tUcK aNd CoLtEr
The scientists' calculations showed that the compact star is 15.65 times as massive as our sun. With that much mass, it must be a black hole. In fact, it is the heaviest stellar black hole that has ever been accurately measured. The scientists estimate that the star that produced it was originally 100 times as massive as the sun.On the basis of their observations, the scientists calculated that the compact body is a black hole that is 25 to 34 times as massive as the sun.
BY TuCk-tUcK aNd CoLtEr
summery of a Dino King's Ancestor
This article claims that the Tyrannnosaurus was not the first large meat-eating dinosaur of its kind. Remains of the Guanlong Wucaii, in Northwest china was discovered. It is one of the oldest known dinosaur in the Tyrannosaur family. This species lived 160 million years ago, and it names means "Crowned Dragon. This Dinosaur was only 3 meters long(9.8 feet) long, had a 6-centimeter-tall crest that ran on the top of this dinosaurs snout, this crest was not connected to the dinosaurs nose or not useful for fighting but a sign adulthood and a way of showing the animals if they where male or female. Scientists believe know that the Tyrannosaurus was evolved from the small, meat eating dinosaurs called coelurosaurs. This article was interesting to us because it tells that the Tyrannosaurus was not the first of its kind.
Steven and CJ
Steven and CJ
Saving african wild dogs
I chose this blog because i like animals. I learned that a century ago there was over 500,000 painted dogs that lived throughtout Africa. Today scientist know of about only 2,500 live in four countries. South Africa, Tanzania, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. I also learned that scientist used a small land rover to follow the dogs. They learned that a tipical painted dog travels 30 miles a day. The dogs travel in packs lead by one male and one female. People started hunting and running them over because people thought that the dogs attacked farm animals.
By: Tommy & Jacob
Check it out here!
By: Tommy & Jacob
Check it out here!
Summery of Robots on a Rocky Road
We chose this artricle because it looked like a interesting articl to read. Our article was about vehicles that can travel 142 across the desert between L.A. and Las Vegas. There are no drivers in these cars but they are controlled by a robot. After 4 hours of the race all the viehicles had crashed. All of which included stalling, fires, and leaking oil. None of the machine came close to finishing. That was the first try so nobody expected perfection. The best thing about trying these robots is that we could use these things to replace people war and other dangerous situations. By the year 2015, the cogress has ordered the army to replace at least 1/3 of the vehicles with these robots. Over all we liked this article because we like learning about something diferent once in a while.
Zack & Shale
Zack & Shale
summary of noisy boats may bother orcas
Sound travels long distances underwater. Plus a lot of sonic action, especially from boat action. Orcas are changing their calls to adapt to the noise boat of engines. The researchers are studying 3 pods and their calls. The first pods call sounds like a train whistle the second sounds like a mewing kitten the third sounds like a slide whistle. Pods these unique calls to communicate among themselves over half the time. The researchers studied orca calls from three time periods the most recent which was taken in 2003 in which the calls where 15% longer when boats where present. In the last decade whale watching tours have increased 5 times what they used to be. Researchers fear that this is harming the orcas. The population of ocars has been shrinking seen 1996. We picked this bog because Derik likes whales, and for my self , Brian, i want to become a marine biologist. This was very interesting and I think that something will be done to save these animals.
By:Brian and Derik
Sound travels long distances underwater. Plus a lot of sonic action, especially from boat action. Orcas are changing their calls to adapt to the noise boat of engines. The researchers are studying 3 pods and their calls. The first pods call sounds like a train whistle the second sounds like a mewing kitten the third sounds like a slide whistle. Pods these unique calls to communicate among themselves over half the time. The researchers studied orca calls from three time periods the most recent which was taken in 2003 in which the calls where 15% longer when boats where present. In the last decade whale watching tours have increased 5 times what they used to be. Researchers fear that this is harming the orcas. The population of ocars has been shrinking seen 1996. We picked this bog because Derik likes whales, and for my self , Brian, i want to become a marine biologist. This was very interesting and I think that something will be done to save these animals.
By:Brian and Derik
The Perfect French Fry! :]
McDonalds-style, straight, skinny, golden brown, or curly fries. These are the many styles of fries! yo. French fries come in all sorts of shapes, flavors, & sizes! This may seem silly but people can spend more than 75 billion dollars on fried foods every year. To put this in the nicest way possible, the more fried foods Americans eat, the fatter they get! No wonder America is know as the "fattest country"! =] Two teenagers got fat and were inraged, so they tried sewing McDonalds (good luck with that). Let's just say they didn't win!
The "PERFECT" fry, is it out there!? Well we are trying! Scientists are striking a balance of fries with flavor, texture, and nutrition. Basically, what McDonalds is doing right now is it uses pre-fried and frozen fries, then when needed, fried again! Kinda Gross!!!!???? Well scientists are trying to decrease the intake in oil! A LOT! Fries arn't to bad, just try to take it easy, and don't make America FATTER!
Lacie & Nicole
The "PERFECT" fry, is it out there!? Well we are trying! Scientists are striking a balance of fries with flavor, texture, and nutrition. Basically, what McDonalds is doing right now is it uses pre-fried and frozen fries, then when needed, fried again! Kinda Gross!!!!???? Well scientists are trying to decrease the intake in oil! A LOT! Fries arn't to bad, just try to take it easy, and don't make America FATTER!
Lacie & Nicole
Copycat Monkeys
A study was done including 21 macaques. That were tested 5 times on sticking out their tounge, opening the mouth, smacking the lips, opening a hand, and spinning a face sized colored disk. At 3 days old 13 out of 16 macaques smacked their lips and stuck out their tounge. They didn't copy any other behavior.At 7 days 4 of the monkeys were still smacking their lips.
After 14 days none of them did any imitating.
"Monkey see monkey do seems to be true." E.Sohn
After 14 days none of them did any imitating.
"Monkey see monkey do seems to be true." E.Sohn
By Hope!, Ciana :), and Andrea
summary of noisy boats may bother orcas
Sound travels long distances underwater. Plus a lot of sonic action, especially from boat action. Orcas are changing their calls to adapt to the noise boat of engines. The researchers are studying 3 pods and their calls. The first pods call sounds like a train whistle the second sounds like a mewing kitten the third sounds like a slide whistle. Pods these unique calls to communicate among themselves over half the time. The researchers studied orca calls from three time periods the most recent which was taken in 2003 in which the calls where 15% longer when boats where present. In the last decade whale watching tours have increased 5 times what they used to be. Researchers fear that this is harming the orcas. The population of ocars has been shrinking seen 1996. We picked this bog because Derik likes whales, and for my self , Brian, i want to become a marine biologist. This was very interesting and I think that something will be done to save these animals.
Sound travels long distances underwater. Plus a lot of sonic action, especially from boat action. Orcas are changing their calls to adapt to the noise boat of engines. The researchers are studying 3 pods and their calls. The first pods call sounds like a train whistle the second sounds like a mewing kitten the third sounds like a slide whistle. Pods these unique calls to communicate among themselves over half the time. The researchers studied orca calls from three time periods the most recent which was taken in 2003 in which the calls where 15% longer when boats where present. In the last decade whale watching tours have increased 5 times what they used to be. Researchers fear that this is harming the orcas. The population of ocars has been shrinking seen 1996. We picked this bog because Derik likes whales, and for my self , Brian, i want to become a marine biologist. This was very interesting and I think that something will be done to save these animals.
sugar power for cell phone
Sugar might someday power electronic equipmeent as well as a battery. Scientists have found a new way to turn sugar into electricity. This process involves fuel cells. Instead of using precious metals as fuel cells reaserchers from saint louis univertiy replaced the metals with proteins called enzymes Which spark chemical reactions. The problem is that enzymes in fuel cells break down faster than they can be replaced. The reasearchers invented molecuels to wrap around an enzyme to protect it. Now the enzymes can last for months instead of days. Enzymes and sugar molecules together form an electrical current that could power electronic devices. As far as they know the fuel cells don't produce as much power as needed. The sugar eating fuel cells are good for the agriculture. They expect to be done in as little as three years.
by: Garrett.w, Garrett.s
by: Garrett.w, Garrett.s
Cooking Up Superhard Diamonds
I couldn't believe what the article had said. It claims that scientists at the Carnegie Institution of Washington have found a way to makediamonds even harder. Crazy! As most of us know diamonds are one of the hardest materials on earth. I couldn't believe that human machinery could make something hot enough to match the heat of 150 kilometers below land and into the earths core. First they tried to make diamonds harder by doing a process called chemical-vapor deposition. The purpose was to add more carbon atoms to previously created artificial diamonds. With every test they had to cook all of the diamonds under intense heat and pressure. Believe this: The new diamonds were so hard that they broke $10,000 in equipment while testing them. Scientist couldn't dent or scratch them with their machinery. To be continued......
By: Klay and Cody
By: Klay and Cody
Mating Slows Down Prarie Dog
Scientists found that during mating season, male prarie dogs are less likely to watch for predators. They pay too much attention to the females to worry about being eaten.
By: RJ and Sawyer
By: RJ and Sawyer
Whale Watch
In 1925-1975 whale hunting almost destroyed the worlds whale populations. By the time whaling was officially banned in 1986 some species were already extinct and others are still trying to recover. Countries like Japan and Norway are still hunting whales and are trying to get permission from the International Whaling Commission to start whaling again. Whales face other threats as well such as boat noise that prevents them from communicating and pollution maybe poisoning the fish they eat. Even though whales are admired scientist still don't know that much about them. But they are trying to find out their way of life and protect them for many years to come.
As toxins move up the food chain they get more and more concentrated in muscle and fat tissue which increases health hazards. So an organization has sent a ship named the Odyssey on a five year worldwide cruise to collect data. Researches aboard the ship are gathering skin samples from sperm whales, then analyzing the samples for pollutants. Their goal is to create a map of pollution in the oceans around the world.
Though there is a lot left to be discovered, new technology and new research is beginning to fill in the gaps in the secret lives of whales.
By Brooke and Rylee
As toxins move up the food chain they get more and more concentrated in muscle and fat tissue which increases health hazards. So an organization has sent a ship named the Odyssey on a five year worldwide cruise to collect data. Researches aboard the ship are gathering skin samples from sperm whales, then analyzing the samples for pollutants. Their goal is to create a map of pollution in the oceans around the world.
Though there is a lot left to be discovered, new technology and new research is beginning to fill in the gaps in the secret lives of whales.
By Brooke and Rylee
remote control car race
We think its cool how cars run by themselves and are also having to drive 130 miles through a desert. It says that you can win 2 million dollars in prize money! They are also had an SUV go 200 kilometers without human assistance, which I think is pretty cool. I wouldn't even understand how to make a remote control car thats life size and actually works. Theysaid that they might use these cars for the army men, so that they don't have to drive the vehicles. I think it'd be awesome to have similar properties these cars have for in the future. That is what i think about the cars that were made as remote control cars to be raced and probably used in war or in other future references.
By Jett & Randall
By Jett & Randall
Primate Memory Showdown
Chimpanzees are not smarter than people but it is cool that they can learn and have vast memories but they are not smarter because the chimps have been playing on the machine for longer than the people have. You can see this article at
By: Joel and Michael
By: Joel and Michael
sugar POWER
scienctist are finding new way's to power electronics. One example is sugar in cell phones and handheld electronics.they get new filled wires and wrap them in a thin layer of enzymes then the allow a sugary liquid to ooze inside the enzymes this some ssssssswwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeettttttttttttt stuff.when the enzymes interact with the liquid the chemical reaction gets a flow of electrons in the wire.And thes process powers electricety in water so it powers electronic devices.whu that was some hard stuff to write! thanks for reading it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Mikkael, Shelby
by: Mikkael, Shelby
A Recipe For Happiness
Happiness has just recently become an exceptable subject for scientists to study. Happy people usually make more income, friends, and are healthier. Scientists measure a person's happiness by how often they genuinly smile- fake smilers cannot conlrol the muscles in their eyes and mouth. Everyone has a natural state of happinss. whether your always happy and bubbly or quiet and serious. Research shows that only people who want to be happy will improve their lives for the sake of happiness.
Gwen & Payton
Happiness has just recently become an exceptable subject for scientists to study. Happy people usually make more income, friends, and are healthier. Scientists measure a person's happiness by how often they genuinly smile- fake smilers cannot conlrol the muscles in their eyes and mouth. Everyone has a natural state of happinss. whether your always happy and bubbly or quiet and serious. Research shows that only people who want to be happy will improve their lives for the sake of happiness.
Gwen & Payton
Summary of Gecko Night Vision
They're the first vertebrates to be able to tell different colors in dim light. They have two kinds of cells in their eyes-cones and rods. Cones detect colors when there's light, and rods can only see in black and white. Gecko's pupils are nearly closed in bright light, and wide open in dim light. Scientists tested the lizard's under low levels of light, similar to dim moonlight. Scientists trained crickets to see blue or gray in dim light. The most active lizard is the helmet gecko. The results said that geckos could see in the dark. Geckos learn that blue meant yummy and grey meant yucky! [:
by hailey & jasmyn
by hailey & jasmyn
Fear Matters
Fear makes you do things that can help keep u alive. Fear can influence entire ecosystems. Basically fear controls everything we do. Fear affects the whole animal kingdom. Frogs can hatch earlier if they know they're in danger. Elk will change their diets according to fear. It was a very interesting and informative article.
By: Morgan, Katie, Coral
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