Friday, December 14, 2007

Primate memory showdown

We chose this article because it is awesome that chimpanzee's memories can be as complex or even more complex than ours. In a task that challenged memories of college student in Japan and a chimpanzee named Ayumu numbers flashed across a computer screen for just a fraction of a second, then they would disappear and the test subject would have to put the white squares that were in place of the numbers in numerical order. In the first test the test subject had 650 milliseconds (about 2/3 of a second) to memorize the numbers on the screen. The student usually got about 80% correct but so did the genius monkey Ayumu. In the second test they had even less time. All subjects had only 210 milliseconds to memorize the numbers. In response the students only got an average of about 40% while the monkey still got an average of 80%. Are monkeys smarter than humans or was it because of the monkeys age that he got such a score. Studies show that younger children sometimes have photographic memory but lose it over time.
From this article we figured monkey's brains are close to ours in knowledge.

by: Tyler and Sonny