Friday, December 14, 2007

Einstien Skateboarding? Nah. Just Honoring.

A group of Middle School students working on a physics project desided to use skateboarding as their subject for the project. One of the variables they used with their observing is the spot of the 'half-pipe', a skateboarding ramp in a sort of U shape, where the gravitational force on the skateboarders is at the least point. The project of the 'Skateboarding physics' is one of eight on Discovery Chanel's Young Scientist Challenge. The event was held around Washington D.C. The event was honoring Albert Einstein and his physics theories nearly 100 years ago. Einseins methods were mostly thoughts, not mixing things in a lab. He used his mind for his work. Most would say he's a genius. There was also things like Radar Gun Luge and an Obstacle course! Go Einstein!

By Trevan, Parker, and Brendon